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Maria Sono Magia
Divine Code Mapping

This course is available in: English and German
A harmonic interweaving of three potent cosmic code systems
With a harmonious interweaving of the powerful systems of Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys, I unlock your cosmic codes into a divine map. You will be given tools to unfold your potential, open clarity and healing within you, and thus live in harmony with your soul's purpose.

Your Divine Code Map is based on your birth location, date and time. If you don't know your birth time, we will us 0 degree Aries as the ascendent code.
To make your energy field more accessible, I recommend to send a portrait of yourself.
Your Divine Code Map will be a plural paged document, easy for you to navigate and consult in any given moment.
Purchase now for 160 EUR (mail:to opens)
#comiclandmarks #lightarchitecture #decoding #soulspurpose

Sacred Dance

Cave with client


Sacred Dance

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